About Good Grounding

Good Grounding is a website created to assist parents and carers in guiding children to develop healthy coping strategies for strong emotions using grounding techniques.

Designed to be intuitive and easy to use, the site can be used during times of high stress — such as a meltdown — but ideally practiced when the child is calm.

Good Grounding is and always will be free and accessible to all.


Let us know if you find the site useful or have any suggestions, we'd love to hear from you: goodgrounding@gmail.com.

What are grounding techniques?

Grounding techniques are a set of tools that can connect people - including children - with the present moment and can be used when experiencing overwhelming negative emotions, such as anxiety or anger.

The Website

Good Grounding has app like features including the ability to work offline and be added to your phones home screen. To access them:


Open Good Grounding in Safari, tap Share, then scroll down and tap Add to Home Screen.


Follow the prompts in Chrome to install on your home screen.


Good Grounding was created by Iona Stenhouse, an experienced after-school program coordinator and Adam J Bragg, a designer and developer.

Iona initially conceived the idea while working at an after school centre in Vancouver, BC, wanting a visual way to show children the grounding techniques she was trying to teach them.

Fast forward a year and after seeing news reports of children struggling with the stress of big life changes due to covid-19, such as homeschooling and social isolation, Adam and Iona decided it was time to bring the website to life.

Sources and Resources

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© Good Grounding 2020
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